Safe Use of OSDP: Synguard's Approach

In the world of access management, the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) has attracted attention due to recent reports of potential security issues. At Synguard, we understand how important it is to take the right security measures when implementing OSDP. In this blog, we want to explain how OSDP can be used safely and how Synguard has already taken steps in the past to ensure the security of our systems.

What is OSDP?

OSDP, which stands for "Open Supervised Device Protocol", is a communication protocol designed to replace the outdated Wiegand communication protocol. Wiegand is still widely used in access control systems, but has some limitations, such as unidirectional communication from badge readers to control panels. OSDP offers secure two-way communication.

Security measures at Synguard

At Synguard, we are committed to the security of our systems. Here are some measures we have already taken in the past to ensure the secure use of OSDP:

Strong Encryption: When we set OSDP keys, encryption is a mandatory step. We do not allow readers without encryption. Moreover, we do not use standard keys; each client has a unique key.


Configuration control: We configure readers internally and set the keys before sending them to customers. This prevents unauthorised changes from being made to the configuration.

Installer Mode Disable: OSDP Installer Mode, which allows keys to be reset, is disabled in our systems to prevent unauthorised access.

Verification of Responses: We check for possible attacks where a plain answer data is returned on an encrypted request. If this is detected, the answer is rejected.

At Synguard, we are committed to providing secure access management solutions to our customers. Our implementation of OSDP is designed with a strong focus on security, with strict encryption, unique keys and layered security. We recognise that technologies can have vulnerabilities, but with the right measures, we can improve and protect the security of access management.

The methodology described in this blog is valid for readers purchased from us. In situations where our partners supply readers themselves, they bear responsibility for accurate implementation of this methodology with regard to OSDP.

Do you have questions about OSDP security or our implementation practices? Please feel free to contact us. Security is a shared responsibility and we are ready to answer your questions and help you improve your access security.